Friday, October 13, 2023

Boycott Israel Product's

"Banned Israeli

Goods And Services"

Take Action:

Write to supermarkets and ask them to cease carrying Israeli products, as we ask supporters and those who care about Palestinian rights to do.

The first seven digits of the Israeli barcode are 729. The country of origin may not always be listed on Israeli items, so always check the label or ask your supplier.

Also, keep in mind that this isn't a comprehensive list of all Israeli goods obtainable in Ireland because brand names alter, businesses go down, new ones emerge, etc.

Wow, such a large number of reputable and well-known businesses support Zionism.I suppose that some of the things that these firms offer are ones that we need or really want, so it is tough to boycott them completely.

Therefore, let's be realistic and suggest that every Muslim, anti-Zionist, or person concerned about this issue opt to boycott at least 20 or so of the largest corporations that support Israel.However, if you are able to boycott them all, I strongly advise that you do so.

Individuals of clean conscience have decided to blacklist israeli items and organizations supporting the zionist element. Their moral buying choice anyway is baffled by the absence of exact data regarding which organizations to blacklist.

We have completed broad exploration to distinguish the blameworthy organizations. Every one of our discoveries are given here. Any place potential, we have included full references for the wellspring of our data so you may freely confirm its precision and see precisely the way that each organization is contributing its help to israel. We thank that large number of associations who's examination we have used.

Our examination is on going and we urge you to assist us with it - Assuming that you have any data in regards to liable organizations please email us this data with source references. Much thanks to you.

Jazak ALLAH ❤️

We propose you start with the Blacklist Israeli Items Often.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Mohammad Rizwan Is A Spiritual Personality

This was for our brothers and sisters in Gaza’: Mohammad Rizwan dedicates World Cup hundred to Palestine attack victim

Pakistan's batting legend Mohammad Rizwan said his group was certain of accomplishing a World Cup record pursue against Sri Loan Wednesday, Pakistan player Mohammad Rizwan devoted his thump against Sri Lanka to the survivors of the Israel-Palestine battle in Gaza.

"This was for our family in Gaza. Glad to contribute in the success. Credits to the entire group and particularly Abdullah Shafique and Hassan Ali for making it easier in Hyderabad, securing Tuesday's match by six wickets. Rizwan scored 131 not out and in that frame of mind of opener Abdullah Shafique (113) set the stage for pursuing an overwhelming 345-run focus with 10 balls in excess. Rizwan said conviction was the key.

On Wednesday, Pakistan hitter Mohammad Rizwan committed his thump against Sri Lanka to the casualties of the Israel-Palestine battle in Gaza.

"Additionally, Israel continued to pound Hamas focuses in Gaza, where whole locale lay in rubble Wednesday, as its powers found more casualties five days after the Islamist aggressors' attack on its southern towns.

The military said a "faltering 1,200" bodies had been found, for the most part of unarmed regular folks, while Gaza authorities revealed in excess of 900 individuals killed in a wilting effort of air and gunnery strikes on the packed Palestinian territory.

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Save and free Palestine


Assessing the Current 

Situation in Palestine:

2023 Overview

Save and free Palestine

(Jerusalem) -Palestinian equipped gatherings completed a destructive attack on October 7, 2023, that killed a few hundred Israeli regular people and prompted Israeli counterstrikes that killed many Palestinians, Common freedoms Watch said in delivering an inquiries and answers record about the worldwide compassionate regulation guidelines overseeing the ongoing threats. As of October 8, the assaults by Palestinian furnished bunches killed in excess of 677 Israelis and unfamiliar nationals, including regular people, as per Israeli sources refered to by the Unified Countries. Resulting Israeli airstrikes on Gaza left no less than 413 Palestinians dead, the Palestinian Wellbeing Service in Gaza revealed.

Hamas and other Palestinian equipped gatherings penetrated the walls isolating Gaza and Israel and went after encompassing Israeli people group, invaded homes, clearly shot regular folks altogether, and accepted scores of Israeli regular citizens as prisoners into Gaza. They apparently sent off in excess of 3,000 unpredictable rockets towards Israeli populace habitats.

"Conscious killings of regular folks, prisoner taking, and aggregate discipline are intolerable violations that have no avocation," said Omar Shakir, Israel and Palestine Chief at Common freedoms Watch. " The unlawful assaults and precise restraint that have soiled the locale for quite a long time will proceed, insofar as basic freedoms and responsibility are ignored."


Israeli specialists have efficiently quelled Palestinians for quite a long time and starting around 2007 have forced a devastating conclusion on Gaza's populace. On October 7, Israel's Energy Pastor reported that Israeli specialists would never again give power to Gaza's 2.2 million inhabitants.

Palestinian furnished gatherings clear conscious focusing of regular people, aimless assaults, and taking of regular folks as prisoners add up to atrocities under worldwide compassionate regulation. Israeli specialists' removing power to Gaza and other reformatory measures against Gaza's non military personnel populace would add up to unlawful aggregate discipline, which is an atrocity. The laws of war apply to all gatherings to a contention, independent of the legality of their doing battle or uneven characters of force between the gatherings.
Palestinians in the Involved Palestinian Domain (Select) have as of late confronted maybe exceptional constraint. During the initial nine months of 2023, Israeli specialists killed more Palestinians in the West Bank in 2023 than at whatever year since the Unified Countries started methodically keep fatalities in 2005. As of October, the quantity of Palestinians being held in regulatory confinement without charges or preliminary in view of restricted data arrived at a 30-year-high. Israel's unlawful conclusion of Gaza, remembering its summed up boycott for the movement of Palestinian occupants who live in this 40-by-11 kilometer (25-by-7 mile) portion of land, with few special cases, as of late entered its seventeenth year.
The Israeli government's deliberate mistreatment in the Select, combined with unfeeling demonstrations perpetrated against Palestinians as a component of a strategy to keep up with the control by Jewish Israelis over Palestinians, add up to the violations against mankind of politically-sanctioned racial segregation and oppression, as Common freedoms Watch recently found. During earlier adjusts of threats, Basic liberties Watch archived serious infringement of the laws of battle by Israeli powers and by Palestinian outfitted gatherings. Israel has more than once done unpredictable airstrikes that killed scores of regular folks - clearing out whole families - and strikes that designated regular people or non military personnel framework, including annihilating skyscraper Gaza towers brimming with homes and organizations, with no obvious military focuses nearby.
Palestinian equipped gatherings have sent off huge number of unpredictable rockets that disregard the laws of war and sum to atrocities. Common freedoms Watch has for quite a long time called for Palestinian equipped gatherings to stop these unlawful assaults, remembering for a new trade of letters with Hamas specialists.

In 2021, the then-Worldwide Crook Court (ICC) examiner, Fatou Bensouda, opened a proper examination in 2021 into serious wrongdoings perpetrated in Palestine, which is involved with the court's Rome Rule. The ongoing battling features the pressing requirement for equity and for the ICC Office of the Examiner to speed up its examination concerning serious violations committed by all gatherings in Palestine, Common liberties Watch said.

"On the off chance that we've gotten the hang of anything through earlier accelerations, it is that insofar as there is exemption for serious maltreatments, we will keep on seeing more constraint and shedding of regular citizen blood,

"Shakir said"

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Boycott Israel Product's

"Banned Israeli Goods And Services" Take Action: Write to supermarkets and ask them to cease carrying Israeli products, as we ask ...